The continuation of the story of Adam (Remy Ishak), Aidil (Fizz Fairuz) and Nur Amina (Tiz Zaqyah) from television series. The storyline movie begins with a view of the desert in Jordan, appeared two Bedouin Arabs are walking the street and suddenly startled by a freak accident a train collided with a vehicle.
Story continues in the village where Nur Amina and Adam with their nostalgic of past memories. Wife of Aidil, Aliya had died of an accident and he left two children, Ilyas, 7 years old and Mariam, 5 years . When Aidil's wife death he become sadness and depression and he became a single parent to raise a child alone.
Story continues in the village where Nur Amina and Adam with their nostalgic of past memories. Wife of Aidil, Aliya had died of an accident and he left two children, Ilyas, 7 years old and Mariam, 5 years . When Aidil's wife death he become sadness and depression and he became a single parent to raise a child alone.
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